Wickwire Building Fire, Cortland, New York
Father and son waiting for train to Winter Olympics in Lake Placid. Union Station, Utica, NY
February 1980
President Ronald Reagan, Syracuse, New York
Window Painter, John Yonda, Cortland, New York
Charles Manson Prosecutor and Helter Skelter author, Vincent Bugliosi, SUNY Cortland, Cortland, New York - 1981
Gimme That Olde Tyme Religion, Tent Revival, McGraw, New York
Chenango Bluegrass Festival, Norwich, New York
Bobby and Dee - Sheriff Dee Whiteman and Deputy Bobby Pace, Marathon Maple Festival, Marathon, New York
John Maxon, owner of The Office Bar, Port Watson Street, Cortland, New York
Microd Dads, Microd Track near Groton, New York